Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Can you feel the love?

Sometimes it can seem as though you work forever and only succeed in treading water, maybe catching onto an item floating past from time to time to add to the items you are already struggling to float with.

Other times life seems like a scene from the Original Mario Brothers, where you jump on floating clouds catching goodies.

Thankfully, these past few days have been the latter.

As the excitement of heading to medical school builds - less than two weeks til Orientation begins!!! I returned from two exciting weeks helping WYA's 3rd Summer Camp for teenagers to the discovery that the work I did with WYA Africa's Decade of Dignity and Development Conference last year had been used as an example of Spirit of the Game on 5Ultimate's blog.

Then, to top everything off I received a phone call from SEVEN Fund, that I had received third place in their essay competition entitled "The Morality of Profit"! What this means is that in the book they will publish next year of the same title, I will be one of the winning essays published! What it also means is that thankfully my years of treading water, reaching out to those treading with me and observations on how we all got there somehow struck a chord and hopefully if we all continue to tread water together will get us a little further if we only keep going.

For this week I'll keep floating on clouds to sustain me when I jump back into the water.

1 comment:

  1. Warm Greetings from the land of EVEREST (NEPAL)

    How can i become a part of WYA ? Can you please help me?

    With Regards,
    Rajendra Gautam
